"...you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
Acts 1:8b

Darryl and Veronica Brunson
Expedition Church
Darryl and Veronica pastored in Tibbie and now serve in Livingston, Montana through Expedition Church. Their ministry focuses on a journey with God, teaching others how to love God, how to love others, and how) to multiply that love.
RJ are missionaries from our area currently serving the Lord in the Middle East. If you would like to support them, click the link below.

Bobby and Holly Shirley
One Community Church
Bobby & Holly served in Chatom and will be planting a church in NYC through the North American Mission Board (NAMB). They will be partnering with One Community Church in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan to help this new church plant reach their community. They also partner with NAMB by coming alongside other church planters and aiding young adults in their commitment to serving on missions within the city.
Join our local mission
The Chatom community & area of Washington County has its own direct mission field: Mission One. The focus of this mission is to feed the hungry, offer clothing to those who are in need, and to meet the different needs in our immediate community. We ask individuals to give $20 a month in order for our church to meet these needs as they are presented to us in a timely manner.