For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Chatom Baptist Church offers many ways for you to get involved whether it be greeting folks on Sunday Morning or working behind the scenes to make sure everything flows smoothly and all in between. Below you will see some different options for you to explore to serve. We invite you to prayerfully consider serving at Chatom Baptist as we seek to do God's Will each and every day.

Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
God has given each of us a unique gift. If you have prayed about volunteering and want to sign up or just want more information, click the link below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
There are many ways to volunteer at CBC. We have several openings for Sunday School teachers, media team members, Nursery workers, Children's Church workers, Wednesday Night helpers with kids and students, and more. We also have openings available on our First Touch team! First Touch is a ministry where you are the first person someone sees when they arrive at Chatom Baptist Church. If interested in volunteering, be sure to sign up using the link above. If you have more questions, that is okay! Simply fill out the form below and it will be emailed to our staff.
What are the qualifications to serve?
Here at CBC, we welcome anyone who wants to serve, but we do encourage you to join our body of believers! Whether you be a member or a guest who just desires to serve, our leadership runs a background check on each volunteer who serves, especially with those working with children. If you would like to review a copy of our Child Abuse Prevention Policy, please contact the church office.