
You belong.

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
John 15:12

Here at Chatom Students, we believe that our students are the Church as much as any other person in the Church. We believe that they have an influence that it is unique and are useful to the Kingdom of God. We believe that God desires all people to know His Son Jesus Christ and follow Him daily. Our student grow is taught the Bible each week on how to exactly that. We love our students and pray for them daily. Our hope is that they would follow Jesus and make Him the center of their lives. We hope and pray that if you have a student or student(s), that you would consider them joining our student body and learn more about how to follow Christ. 

Worship Services


Our students meeting, with our corporate worship, where we learn more about how to follow Jesus and make Him known. We have regular Sunday school classes and discipleship training in the evenings.

9:30am - Worship
10:45am - Sunday School
4:30pm - Choir/Worship Band
5:45pm - D Group
6:30pm - Worship
7:30- SNAC (Sunday Night After Church)


Our MidWeek services are geared up and focused on our students and their relationship with God. We engage in song and a message directly to the students. We believe it is important for our students to have this time worshiping together with other believers.

5:00pm - Supper with Church
5:30pm - Open Gym
6:00pm - Worship
7:15pm - Hangout 


"All this is from God, who  through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation"
2 Corinthians 5:18

RecWknd is our annual "DNow" weekend where we focus on our relationship with Jesus. We learn more about following Jesus by having worship services, small groups, and fun playing SignWars. We always have an amazing time and most importantly: life changing events happen on this weekend. We have seen multiple students give their lives to Jesus and commit to His call on their life.

Contact Brother Brett

Feel free to contact Brett and type a brief message